With nearly 20 years of experience as user, test engineer, applications engineer, customer service representative and field service technician we are able to satisfy all your Nanoscope-based Atomic Force Microscope needs.
We have the knowledge and confidence to troubleshoot even the most obscure issues with respect to your instrument. Not only have we been the end user but we also spent many years assembling and testing Atomic Force Microscope's down to the nuts and bolts level.
Most of what is deemed obsolete or non-repairable by the manufacturer is fully repairable here.
We can extend the life of your Nanoscope-based Atomic Force Microscope for many years to come.
We service the Digital Instruments/Veeco/Bruker-branded Contact Atomic Force Microscope, STM, Bioscope, Multimode, Dimension 3000, Dimension 3100, Dimension 5000 and Dimension Icon systems. If you have something not listed here, please give us a try anyway; there have been many customized systems built and sold over the years.
We service and repair components including computers for all of the above. Computers for Nanoscopes III through IVa (3-4a) can be upgraded to Windows XP or Windows 7, all instruments. We also repair Multimode bases, Phase Extenders, Quadrex Extenders and of course the Nanoscopes - Nanoscope E, Nanoscope II (Nanoscope 2), Nanoscope III (Nanoscope 3), Nanoscope IIIa (Nanoscope 3a), Nanoscope IV (Nanoscope 4), Nanoscope IVa (Nanoscope 4a) and Nanoscope V (Nanoscope 5).