We sell and lease parts and systems.
Our inventory is ever-expanding, so please contact us for a list of parts and/or systems currently for sale or lease.
Current inventory for sale includes:
Contact Atomic Force Microscope, STM, Bioscope, Multimode, Dimension 3000, Dimension 3100 and Dimension 5000 systems
Dimension cantilever holders including standard, Torsion (TR), SCM and TUNA
Dimension open and closed loop scanners
Bioscope baseplates, precision and motorized stages
Multimode base and scanners, Multimode cantilever holders including standard, Electric Field Microscopy (EFM), Torsion (TR), Application Module
Phase and Quadrex Extenders
Nanoscopes: Nanoscope E, Nanoscope III, Nanoscope IIIa, Nanoscope IV, Nanoscope IVa and Nanoscope V
All parts to upgrade a Multimode, Dimension 3100 or Dimension 5000 to Nanoscope V
Application Modules SCM, SSRM, Extended TUNA

We are always looking for used equipment, working or not.