Repairs and Upgrades
Whether it be an entire component replacement, optics, calibration or a stage issue, we can get you back up and running in little to no time. We also have the ability to repair your existing computer or upgrade to one that runs on Windows 7 or Windows 10, greatly extending the working life of your Atomic Force Microscope. We offer Phase and Quadrex Extender, Nanoscope controller and Closed Loop scanner upgrades for sale or lease. We also offer application module upgrades and repairs. We maintain a large inventory of parts and are able to service and upgrade a wide variety of instruments including:

Nanoscope 3a on Windows 10
Contact Atomic Force Microscope and STM
Dimension 3000, Dimension 3100, Dimension 5000, Dimension line Multimode, Multimode line
Nanoscope E, Nanoscope II (Nanoscope 2), Nanoscope III (Nanoscope 3), Nanoscope IIIa (Nanoscope 3a), Nanoscope IV (Nanoscope 4), Nanoscope IVa (Nanoscope 4a) and Nanoscope V (Nanoscope 5)
We can repair or upgrade computers for virtually any Nanoscope-based system.
Repairs can be made at your facility or be sent in to our repair center.